Pre-Natal Massage
Pregnancy massage alleviates stress on weight-bearing joints, increases blood circulation to both mother and foetus. Relieves discomfort caused by pregnancy, including lower back pain, constipation heartburn. Stabilises hormonal levels, and soothes the nervous system. Prepares the mother-to-be for an easier delivery. Provides expecting women with emotional support and a nurturing touch. It helps women who are experiencing anxiety, back and neck pain, joint swelling or disrupted sleep.
People who should not choose a Pregnancy massage:
Post-Natal Massage
Anyone who’s had a prenatal massage understands the pure joy of a massage of relaxation.
Once baby has arrived, it’s equally as important, if a little trickier, to find time for that postnatal massage. Not only is your body recovering from childbirth, but your new job as a mum: carrying, feeding, falling asleep with your baby in strange positions, may be causing a whole new series of posture issues.
Unless you have had a C-section, you can go for a massage as soon as you like. If you have had a Caesarean, it’s recommended to check with your doctor as infections and other complications are most likely to arise.
Post natal massage relieves: